Having kept both hands together in the lap, performing the Padmâsana firmly, keeping the chin fixed to the chest and contemplating on Him in the mind, by drawing the apâna-vâyu up (performing Mula Bandha) and pushing down the air after inhalin it, joining thus the prana and apâna in the navel, one gets the highest intelligence by awakening the sakti (kundalini) thus. N.B.-- When Apâna Vâyu is drawn gently up and after filling the lungs with the air from outside, the prana is forced down by and by so as to join both of them in the navel, they both enter then the Kundalini and, reaching the Brahma randra (the great hole), they make the mind calm. Then the mind can contemplate on the nature of the atmana and can enjoy the highest bliss.) 51. The Yogi who, sitting with Padmâsana, can control
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